
Match Alerts

Stay up to date with the latest job matches, personalised just for you.

Job Seekers love DirectlyApply

Thousands of people receive amazing alerts from us every day

“DirectlyApply has sent more jobs my way that was exactly the jobs I was looking for. Great resource to have if you are in the job market. Give them a try what's the worst that can happen, I know, you end up being employed again!”

“So far, I've gotten great opportunities from DirectlyApply, this site is legit. Take it from a guy that knows a scam when he sees it.”

“I found DirectlyApply wot be very straightforward. I was able to complete the application process in less than 5 minutes.”

“Very easy to do and helpful”

“It was easy and simple”

“Easy to follow directions, what a breath of fresh air!!”

“DirectlyApply is a great resource to access companies that are currently hiring.”

“Nice people who follow up. DirectlyApply is a good tool for job seekers”

“It is very quick and accurate”

Frequently asked questions

What makes your job alerts different from other job boards?
Our job alerts are personalized using advanced AI technology that analyzes your resume in detail. This allows us to send you job opportunities that are not only relevant but also closely aligned with your skills, experience, and career goals. You’ll receive real-time alerts for jobs that truly match your profile.
How do I sign up for job alerts?
Signing up is easy! Just upload your resume to our platform, and our system will start analyzing your profile. You can then choose to receive job alerts via email or directly through your dashboard as soon as matching opportunities are available.
What kind of information do you use to create job alerts?
We use the information provided in your resume, such as your skills, work experience, education, certifications, and career goals. Our system analyzes this data to generate highly accurate and relevant job alerts tailored to your profile.
Will I receive alerts for jobs that don’t match my qualifications?
No, our technology is designed to avoid sending irrelevant job alerts. We focus on matching you with jobs that align with your qualifications and experience, ensuring you only receive alerts for positions you’re well-suited for.
How often will I receive job alerts?
You’ll receive job alerts as soon as new opportunities that match your profile are posted. The frequency depends on how often matching jobs become available. Our goal is to keep you informed in real time without overwhelming your inbox.
Can I customize the types of job alerts I receive?
Yes! You can customize your job alerts by setting preferences based on location, industry, job type, and more. This allows you to tailor the alerts to focus on the specific types of opportunities you’re interested in.
What if my resume changes?
If you update your resume, our system will automatically adjust to reflect your new skills, experiences, and qualifications. This ensures that your job alerts remain accurate and relevant to your current profile.
How do I stop receiving job alerts?
You can manage your job alert preferences at any time through your account settings. If you wish to stop receiving alerts altogether, you can easily unsubscribe from email notifications or just pause them for up to 12 months.
Is there a cost for using your job alerts service?
No, our job alerts service is completely free for job seekers. You can upload your resume, receive personalized job alerts, and apply for jobs without any cost.
Will my personal information be protected?
Yes, we take your privacy very seriously. Your data will only be used to enhance your job search experience and will never be shared with third parties without your consent.