

Welcome to the Future of Job Search, say hello to Threads

Ai Powered Resume Matching

How Threads Transforms Your Job Search

Leave outdated job search / 1990’s job search behind. With Threads, you’re not just searching for jobs—you’re discovering your future.

Personalized Job Discovery
Threads bring you job opportunities that perfectly match your skills, experience, and career goals. Threads understands your resume and is able to bring you tailored job matches as soon as they appear, no search bar required!
Dynamic Results
Threads are constantly updated in real time, meaning as soon as a new job that fits your criteria is posted, you’ll know about it instantly. Also, with each interaction you make with Threads, our AI learns more about your preferences, continuously refining and improving your job recommendations.
Beyond the Traditional Search Bar
Traditional job sites are limited by the job title. Threads breaks free from keyword matching by and leverages the latest in AI enhanced feedback loops, behavioral analytics, and sentiment analysis. This deep personalization ensures that you’re not just getting relevant job matches, you’re getting opportunities that align with your career aspirations.
Personal Recruiter at Your Fingertips
Threads aren’t just about finding jobs, they’re about exploring potential career paths. As you interact with the platform, DirectlyApply adjusts and creates new Threads in real time, offering a job search experience that feels like having a recruiter by your side, presenting you with the right opportunities as soon as they arise.
Intelligent Adaptation
As your job search evolves, so do your Threads. Working constantly in the background, Threads automatically adapting to your feedback, to ensure we are always able to present you with jobs that fit your needs. Threads are always on, keeping you one step ahead in your job search.
Unparalleled Customization
With Threads, job search is no longer a homogenized experience. The platform’s deep understanding of your skills, experiences, and preferences allows for limitless customization, transforming not only how you search for jobs but also how you plan and think about your career.
Opening Opportunities
Threads empower you to discover roles and industries you might not have considered before. By going beyond basic keywords and filters, Threads unlock new career paths and opportunities that align closely with your personal and professional goals.
Immediate Alerts
Stay ahead of the job market with instant notifications as soon as a new job that fits your criteria is posted. As soon as a new job is posted to your Thread, you’ll be the first to know about it!

Join DirectlyApply now and experience the most advanced, personalized job search platform.

Job Seekers love DirectlyApply

Thousands of peoples job search is powered by Threads every day

“Excellent experience!”

“Quick and easy.”

“Really self explanatory and made it easy to understand in order to apply”

“I can tell you this has been by far the best and most professional experience I've had in my entire life time very polite and very straightforward”

“It was easy and simple”

“Simple and intuitive!”

“Easy app to fill out. Short and sweet.”

“Great site when looking for work. I got caught in something that was fake and I kinda gave up. But then I received a personal email from DirectlyApply asking me how I was doing and if they could be of any assistnace in applying to a specific company. That made me feel really good. So hands down they are legit, professional and a staff that actually seem to care. Looking for work is stressful so it helps to have that extra support. The rest is on you. Good luck. ”

“Great people to help me with a job”

Frequently asked questions

What are Threads?
Threads are personalized job lists that automatically generate job opportunities tailored specifically to you. Based on the information in your resume, DirectlyApply uses advanced algorithms to match your skills and work experience, alongside your onsite interactions, to deliver a curated list of jobs that meet your needs!
How do Threads work?
Threads run complex job searches on your behalf by utilizing a wide range of data points, such as your skills, experience, career goals, and past job searches. They continuously update in real time, adapting to your preferences and providing you with the most relevant job opportunities as soon as they become available.
How are Threads different from traditional job searches?
Traditional job searches rely on keyword inputs and filters, which can be limiting and time-consuming. Threads, on the other hand, go beyond basic search parameters. They dynamically generate job recommendations based on a deep understanding of your profile, delivering a more personalized and efficient job search experience.
How do I access Threads?
Threads are accessible directly from your DirectlyApply home screen. As soon as you log in, you’ll see your personalized Threads, which are intelligently generated based on your profile and interactions with the platform.
Can I customize Threads?
Yes, while Threads are automatically generated to match your resume, they also adapt to your ongoing preferences. As you interact with different jobs and Threads, the system learns and adjusts in real time to better align with your changing job search needs.
How do I interact with Threads?
Interacting with Threads is simple. You can click on any Thread from your ‘For You’ page to view a live stream of job opportunities across multiple Threads, all matched to your needs.
How does DirectlyApply create new Threads for me?
DirectlyApply continuously monitors your interactions on the platform, including the jobs you view, apply to, and save. Using this data, it intelligently creates new Threads that reflect your evolving job search criteria and preferences.
Can Threads help me discover new career paths?
Yes, one of the key benefits of Threads is its ability to go beyond the traditional search parameters. By analyzing your skills, experiences, and preferences, Threads can suggest roles and industries that you might not have considered, helping you explore new and exciting career paths.
How often are Threads updated?
Threads are updated in real time. This means that as soon as a new job that matches your criteria is posted, it will appear in the relevant Thread. You’ll receive immediate alerts, ensuring you never miss out on a great opportunity.
What if I’m not satisfied with the job matches in my Threads?
If the job matches in your Threads aren’t meeting your expectations, try updating your resume or conducting different searches on the platform that match the type of work you are looking for. Threads is always looking to learn from your interactions with the site and will refine your job recommendations over time to suit your needs.
Have more questions?
Our support team is here to help. Reach out anytime for assistance with Threads or any other features of DirectlyApply. Start exploring Threads today and discover a smarter, more personalized way to find your next job!